Why Us

Por qué trabajar con nosotros

Why choose to work with us

When you trust Neuwalme Parker Store, in less than 24 hours we´ll assign you an expert who´ll attend you immediately to help you find, within the possible solutions, the best one for your specific case.

You will solve your doubts and problems, from day to day

Because we help and advise you.

You will make better decisions

Because we analyze the differences between the components and we accompany you to make the best decision.

You will count with a stock of more than 7,000 references

Because we search for you between true solutions and the best in the market.

You can solve quickly with our attention and immediate deliveries

Because we understand what solution times mean in this sector.

You will have a strong business relationship

Because we are experts and we take care of the commercial relationships with our clients, offering them support in what they need.

In addition, you can ensure the flexible hoses to measure.

We are experts in the manufacture of flexible hoses to measure

Neuwalme Latiguillos a Medida

With workshop in store for hydraulic flexible hose to measure, at the Neuwalme Parker Store
the flexibles hoses are made while you wait or with pre-order.

We have a wide variety of flexibles hoses and terminals in stock with the purpose of making the hydraulic flexible hose you need.

Our specialization in the manufacture of hydraulic flexibles hoses to measure, allows us to arrive to all possible solutions, giving an integral service in flexibles and hydraulic hoses to measure.

Quickly identify and replace the flexible hose. Because we work labeling ID "Parker Tracking System"

Obtain pressure and tightness test certificates according to ISO 1402:2009.

Ensure an international delivery in 24 hours.

It has a mobile replacement service for emergency hydraulic hoses.

We choose as experts only the best brands worldwide

Logo Parker Premier Distributor
Parker Store Logo
Logo Neuwalmen

We are endorsed experts in the
manufacture of flexibles hoses:
Workshop of flexibles hoses certified by parker

We manufacture hydraulic flexibles hoses with the pressure and tightness test certificates you need:SAE, DOT, USCG, ISO, DNV, EN, MSHA, German SAE, DOT, USCG, ISO, DNV, EN, MSHA, German Lloyd, ABS, CARB, FDA, NFPA, CSA, NGV, ANSI y UL-21 LPG.

Certificate of own tightness pressure tests, complying with the protocols of the norm ISO 1402:2009.

The label ID PTS “Parker Tracking System”
uniquely, precisely and safely identifies each flexible hose.